We Americans are proud–and rightly so–of our success, our freedom, our innovation and of our form of government. We hold individual rights as inviolate and to be protected at all costs.
Yet, we seem to have forgotten one of our rights recently: The Right to FAIL.
Among all the clamor of the supposed market crisis, I keep seeing a common thread…the thread of people seeking to evade the responsibility of their actions (or lack thereof).
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are just the tip of the iceberg. With investment houses going sour and mega-insurance firms looking unstable, I’m left wondering: “Who hired these idiots?”
The Democrats are racing to every nearby soapbox to scream out their demands for more financial market regulations, more supposed oversight and tighter controls… all in the name of protecting investors. Protect them from what? Bad investments? Isn’t that the right and proper risk of investing– that you may lose EVERYTHING due to a bad choice or two? Those without the stomach for it should not get into volatile markets; they should go buy CDs and count their lucky stars.
Regulation is UNNECESSARY! Want regulation of the market? Here it is: BADLY RUN COMPANIES GO BANKRUPT and thus their incompetence is removed from the marketplace so no more investors will suffer their bad advice. What about the poor little investors who lost their money? Tough noogies! That’s the nature of a market: invest without proper research and oversight and risk losing everything.
Sure, we can all feel sympathy for the folks whose 401k managers made bad choices– but we should hold the managers accountable for bad choices or incompetence, not seek to evade the results. We should be CAREFUL when selecting financial advisors and look at experience, market knowledge… In short, we should take responsibility for our choices, investment and otherwise.
Americans have the right to succeed and prosper, but they also have the right to fail and go bankrupt if they make bad choices–and no political machine can stop the fallout, no matter how much they try. All the Democrats are seeking to do is to spread the pain to ALL of us– but that’s what we get for allowing leftist economic theory into our Congress.
Take responsbility for your investments (and those you hire to manage them for you) and take responsibility for who gets elected. Its NOT enough to say, “Well, I voted for ______, not this guy!”
Take responsibility for yourself–that’s only “change” we need.
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